Trademark (Brand Registry)

Get brand registry on Amazon by purchasing a trademark from us.

Our Trademark Registration Service Includes

Trademark Search


USPTO fees

Dedicated Customer Support

File for Brand Registry in as Little as 1-2 Weeks

Dedicated Trademark Attorney - Protection in your Filing

Assistance in Filing Brand Registry

The FBA Wizards vs IP Accelerator Trademark Registration

Why pay more? The FBA Wizards has you covered on your trademark, and will help get your company brand registered with Amazon in record time – Guaranteed.

Trademark Registration

The FBA Wizards (Save $950)

$ 650 All Inclusive Price
  • Filing - Included
  • Trademark Search - Included
  • USPTO Fees – Included
Trademark Registration


$ 1600 Estimate
  • Filing - Included
  • Trademark Search - Included
  • USPTO Fees – Included

Do You Need a Trademark?

YES. Every brand selling their products online needs a trademark. A trademark protects your products and your brand. It means you are the legal owner of your brand, and only those who have your permission can use your brand name or logo. Without it, you have no recourse to another person or company ripping off your stuff. If you spend time and money investing in a new idea and don’t get a trademark or patent in place, someone can start selling your exact product and piggy back off your success.

How Does a Trademark Help me on Amazon?

Having a registered trademark allows you to sign up for brand registry on Amazon. Brand registry gives you access to exclusive tools and benefits, giving your products a competitive edge. With Amazon brand registry, you can:

Get Amazon Brand Registry

A+ Enhanced Brand Content
Ability to remove listings using your brand name
Brand & Video Ads
Amazon Vine
Prevent Hijackers
Powerful Brand Analytics

Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about our products or are curious about how they work, our FAQs are the perfect place to start.

Within about 7 days. You can go to and use the pending TM serial number and file the mark. The fastest we’ve seen is 2 days. But 5-7 days is the average.

We highly recommend word mark. It’s easier and cleaner and best for Amazon. Sometimes Amazon will interpret a design logo mark with slightly different punctuation or spacing. But a word mark gets exact match every time. We can file both a Word and a Logo mark but this requires a 2nd order.

Trademarks can last indefinitely as long as you continue to use the mark in commerce. A statement of use needs to be filed 5 years after the registration of your trademark.

We run a direct-hit trademark search to make sure that your trademark is not already in use. This saves you the money and trouble of filing and being rejected for “likelihood of confusion”, meaning that your mark is too similar or even identical to an existing trademark. Please be aware that our trademark search is a direct-hit search, and not a comprehensive search.

Yes. The attorney files the TM directly in your name or business name, domestic or international, we accept it all.